Lab Publications
Disinhibition can account for the neural discoordination associated with impaired cognitive control.
Society for Neuroscience 2009 (SFN '09).
(2009). Dopamine-based reinforcement learning of virtual arm reaching task in a spiking model of motor cortex.
Society for Neuroscience.
(2012). Dopamine-based reinforcement learning of virtual arm reaching task in a spiking model of motor cortex.
International Conference on Cognititve and Neural Systems 16.
(2012). A dynamic data-driven approach to closed-loop neuroprosthetics based on multiscale biomimetic brain models.
IEEE Interanationl Conference on High Performance Computing 2015 Workshop: InfoSymbiotics/Dynamic Data Driven Applications Systems (DDDAS) for Smarter Systems, Bangalore, India.
(2015). Dynamic interactions determine partial thalamic quiescence in a computer network model of spike-and-wave seizures.
jnphys. 77, 1679-1696.
(1997). Dynamical microstates in primary auditory cortex.
Society for Neuroscience 2013 (SFN '13).
(2013). Dynamical microstates in primary auditory cortex.
Society for Neuroscience Abstracts. 43,
(2013). Dynamically repairing and replacing neural networks: using hybrid computational and biological tools.
{IEEE} Pulse. 3, 57-59.
(2012). Effect of network size on computational capacity.
Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 16').
(2016). Effects of basal ganglia on cortical computation: A hybrid network/neural field model.
Society for Neuroscience 2012 (SFN '12).
(2012). Effects of basal ganglia on cortical computation: a hybrid network/neural field model.
Society for Neuroscience.
(2012). Efficient in silico 3D intracellular neuron simulation.
Society for Neuroscience 2019 (SFN '19).
(2019). Electrostimulation as a prosthesis for repair of information flow in a computer model of neocortex.
IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehab Eng. 20, 153–60.
(2012). Electrostimulation to reduce synaptic scaling driven progression of Alzheimer's disease.
Front Comput Neurosci. 8, 39.
(2014). Embedded ensemble encoding: A hypothesis for reconciling cortical coding strategies.
Society for Neuroscience 2018 (SFN '18).
(2018). Embedded ensemble encoding hypothesis: The role of the ``Prepared'' cell.
J. Neurosci. Res..
(2018). Emergence of physiological oscillation frequencies in a computer model of neocortex.
Front Comput Neurosci. 5, 19.
(2011). Emergent oscillations in neocortex: a simulation study.
Dynamical Neuroscience XVIII: The Resting Brain: Not at Rest! Satellite meeting for Society for Neuroscience Meeting.
(2010). Evaluating Hebbian reinforcement learning BMI using an in silico brain model and a virtual musculoskeletal arm..
Neural Control of Movement.
(2014). Evolutionary algorithm optimization of biological learning parameters in a biomimetic neuroprosthesis.
IBM Journal of Research and Development. 61, 6–1.
(2017). Expanding NEURON support for reaction-diffusion models.
Society for Neuroscience 2016 (SFN '16).
(2016). Extracellular reaction–diffusion in the NEURON simulator: modeling ischemic stroke.
Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 18').
\gabaa-mediated IPSCs in piriform cortex have fast and slow components with different properties and locations on pyramidal cells: Study with physiological and modeling methods.
jnphys. 78, 2531-2545.
(1997). Genome-wide associations of schizophrenia studied with computer simulation.
(Cutsuridis, V., Graham BP., Cobb S., & Vida I., Ed.).Hippocampal Microcircuits: A Computational Modeler's Resource Book. 2,
(2018). Geppetto: a reusable modular open platform for exploring neuroscience data and models.
Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B. 373, 20170380.
(2018). Geppetto: an open source visualisation and simulation platform for neuroscience.
Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 17').
(2017). Global dynamics of selective attention and its lapses in primary auditory cortex.
Nat Neurosci. In press.
(2016). Grid-cell models for navigation and context discrimination.
Society for Neuroscience 2009 (SFN '09).
(2009). Homeostasis and spreading depolarization in multiscale simulation of ischemic stroke..
Society for Neuroscience 2018 (SFN '19).
(2011). Hybrid 1d/3d reaction-diffusion in the neuron simulator.
Society for Neuroscience 2015 (SFN '15).
(2015). Hybrid neural networks - combining abstract and realistic neural units.
IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Proceedings. 6, 3996-3998.
(2004). Identifying avalanches in simulated mouse primary motor cortex (M1).
Society for Neuroscience 2018 (SFN '18).
(2018). Ih modulates theta rhythm and synchrony in computer model of CA3.
Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 12').
(2012). Ih Tunes theta/gamma oscillations and cross-frequency coupling in an in silico CA3 model.
PLoS One. 8, e76285.
(2013). Impaired dendritic inhibition leads to epileptic activity in a computer model of CA3.
Hippocampus. in press.
(2015). Implementation of Cmicrocircuits model in NetPyNE and exploration of the effect of neuronal/synaptic loss on memory recall.
Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 18').
(2018). Independent dendritic domains in the thalamic circuit.
Neurocomputing. 32, 299–305.
(2000). Independent variable timestep integration of individual neurons for network simulations.
17, 903-921.
(2005). Information flow in optogenetically stimulated macaque motor cortex: simulation and experiment.
Neural Control of Movement (NCM) meeting.
(2014). Information processing in homeostatically regulated hippocampal neurons.
Society for Neuroscience 2009 (SFN '09).
(2009). Information transmission vs processing in computer models of neocortical columns.
Society for Neuroscience 2009 (SFN '09).
(2009). Inhibition Can Disrupt Hypersynchrony In Model Neuronal Networks.
Progress in neuro-psychopharmacology & biological psychiatry.
(1997). Input-to-output transformation in a model of the rat hippocampal CA1 network.
Front Comput Neurosci. 6, 57.
(2012). Integrating Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) with NEURON.
Computational Neuroscience.
(2014). Integrating Systems Biology Markup Language (SBML) with NEURON.
Society for Neuroscience 2014 (SFN '14).
(2014). Interfaces in multiscale reaction-diffusion models in the NEURON simulator.
Society for Neuroscience 2013 (SFN '13).
(2013). Interfacing a biomimetic model of sensorimotor cortex with a musculoskeletal model and a robotic arm.
Society for Neuroscience 2013 (SFN '13).
(2013). Interictal EEG Discoordination in a Rat Seizure Model.
J Clin Neurophysiol. 27, 438–444.
(2010). Interictal EEG discoordination in a rat seizure model.
Statistical Analysis of Neuronal Data.
(2010). Interlaminar feedback connections dominate in macaque inferotemporal cortex: in vivo and in silico studies.
Society for Neuroscience.
(2011). Interlaminar Granger causality and alpha oscillations in a model of macaque cortex.
Computational Neuroscience.
(2011). An intrinsic oscillation in interneurons of the rat lateral geniculate nucleus.
jnphys. 81, 702-711.
(1999). Just-in-time connectivity for large spiking networks.
ncomp. 20, 2745-2756.
(2008). Just-in-time connectivity for very large neuronal networks.
Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS 07').
(2007). Ketamine disrupts theta modulation of gamma in a computer model of hippocampus.
J Neurosci. 31, 11733-11743.
(2011). Large-scale M1 microcircuit model with plastic input connections from biological PMd neurons used for prosthetic arm control.
24th Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS15).
(2015). Load balancing for multi-threaded PDES of stochastic reaction-diffusion in neurons.
J Simulation. 11, 267.
(2017). Local axon collaterals of area ca1 support spread of epileptiform discharges within CA1, but propagation is unidirectional.
Hippocampus. 18, 1021-1033.
(2018). Long-range inputs and H-current regulate different modes of operation in a multiscale model of mouse M1 microcircuits.
Society for Neuroscience 2017 (SFN '17).
(2017). Measurement of peripheral vision reaction time identifies white matter disruption in patients with mild traumatic brain injury.
J Neurotrauma.
(2017). Measuring the quality of neuronal identification in ensemble recordings.
jnsci. 31, 16398–16409.
(2011). A method for multi-simulator reaction-diffusion with NEURON.
Computational Neuroscience.
(2014). Microconnectomics of primary motor cortex: a multiscale computer model.
Multiscale Modeling. National Institutes of Health.
(2015). Modeling electrodiffusion with the NEURON reaction-diffusion module.
Society for Neuroscience 2017 (SFN '17).
(2017). Modeling molecular pathways of neuronal ischemia.
Prog Mol Biol Transl Sci. 123, 249–275.
(2014). Modeling network effects of dendritic plateau potentials in cortical pyramidal neurons.
Society for Neuroscience 2019 (SFN '19).
(2019). Modeling pathogenesis and treatment response in childhood absence epilepsy.
Epilepsia. 59, 135–145.
(2018). Modeling thalamocortical oscillations.
(Ulinski, P., Jones EG., & Peters A., Ed.).Cerebral Cortex. 13, 479-509.
(1999). Modulation of stimulus fields in a computer model of the thalamocortical system.
Society for Neuroscience.
(2011). Modulation of virtual arm trajectories via microstimulation in a spiking model of sensorimotor cortex.
Computational Neuroscience Meeting (CNS '14). 15, P106.
(2014). Modulation of virtual arm trajectories via microstimulation in a spiking model of sensorimotor cortex.
BMC Neuroscience. 15, P106.